Home > Plants > Crassula ovata Hobbit

Crassula ovata Hobbit   /   Crassula ovata Hobbit

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Buy: Crassula ovata Hobbit


Pictures of:  Crassula ovata Hobbit


Everything about: Crassula ovata Hobbit

Crassula ovata hobbit - Crassula ovata hobbit (latin)
Indoor plant

Recommended temperature: from 10 to 26°C.
Hygrometry: Dry atmosphere.
Soil type: Light and well-drained
Exposure: bright indirect light.
Native area: South Africa.

Properties and uses:
The Crassula Ovata Hobbit – is a small indoor succulent plant, quite decorative as it grows as an upright, rounded shrub. The thick smooth leaves can develop a red tinge when exposed to the sun. In the regions with a mild climate and without frost, or along the seacoast, this jade plant can be cultivated in rock gardens; otherwise, it grows well in a pot indoor.

Looking after advice:

The Pilea needs light.
- The best place is in a bright room or outdoor during summer.
- Water moderately and allow the substrate surface to dry between two waterings.
- Place clay balls or drainage gravel in the bottom of the pot to avoid stagnant water

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